Kranidi Argolidas is an extra virgin olive oil obtained from the olives of the varieties Koroneiki and Manaki within the administrative boundaries of the municipal areas of Ermioni, Thermisia, Iliokastro, Didyma, Fourni, Kilada, Portocheli and Kranidi, in the province of Ermioni, in the Peloponnese region.
The gathering of the olives is usually done by hand or using small combs and nets. It is transported to the production plant where it is cold pressed in the centrifuging or traditional mills within three days of gathering. It is a beloved yellow-golden high-quality oil that has a taste balanced between sweet and sour. It is best to consume it within 6 months in order to enjoy its full flavor. It is ideal for cooking and confectionery, while it is recommended to be consumed raw due to its intense aroma and rich flavor.