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Mantonico Bianco | Local Wine Variety From Calabria, Italy | TasteAtlas

Mantonico Bianco

(Mantonico, Montonico Bianco Calabrese, Montonico Bianco della Calabria)

Mantonico Bianco is a rare white grape native to Italy. It is found only in Calabria, where it is used to produce dry and dessert styles. It is used in blends or made as a varietal. The grape is ancient, and it is suggested that it might have Greek origins and that it was primarily cultivated in Locride.

Mantonico is used in Calabrian IGT designations. Mantonico Bianco produces aromatic white wines. Dry examples are elegant and fresh with herbal, citrus, and peach notes. They often have some mineral character and are best paired with seafood and pasta dishes.

Sweet wines are usually passito styles—made with partially dried grapes. They have a golden yellow color and intense aromas reminiscent of flowers, candied fruit, and dried fruit. On the palate, they have enough freshness that balances the sweetness.

These sweet styles should be paired with cookies and pastries.