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Žgvacet od Kokoši | Traditional Chicken Dish From Istria, Croatia | TasteAtlas

Žgvacet od kokoši

(Kokošji žgvacet, Fusi con sugo di gallina istriana, Tagliatelle con sugo di gallina istriana)

Istrian žgvacet od kokoši is typically prepared with chicken drumsticks and thighs, which are first pan seared and then simmered in a sauce based on tomatoes and onions. This rustic Croatian dish has its roots in Italian guazzetto which denotes a specific way of preparation, namely simmering the ingredients in a small amount of liquid.

The dish is additionally flavored with rosemary or marjoram and traditionally served sided with Istrian pasta fuži, though it can also be enjoyed with potato dumplings or polenta. The authentic Istrian žgvacet is always made with chicken, but nowadays there are also other variations made with lamb or veal. In the neighboring Italian city of Trieste, the same dish is known as fusi con sugo di gallina istriana, or when it's served with tagliatelle, as tagliatelle con sugo di gallina istriana.