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Sudado de surubí

Sudado de surubí is a traditional dish originating from the department of Pando. The dish is usually made with a combination of surubí fish pieces, onions, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, garlic, flour, white wine, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and black pepper.

The fish is seasoned with salt and pepper, rolled in flour, and fried in olive oil. It’s then removed from the pan, and the onions, garlic, carrots, and bell peppers are sautéed in the same oil. Next, white wine, lemon juice, and seasonings are added to the mixture and simmered.

Once the alcohol evaporates, the fish pieces are placed back into the pan and topped with tomato slices. The dish is cooked over low heat for a few minutes, and it’s then served with potatoes and rice on the side. If desired, use additional ingredients such as coriander, vinegar, and oregano for extra flavor.

WHERE TO EAT The best Sudado de surubí in the world (according to food experts)


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