Milo Kastorias are red and yellow apples cropped from the apple trees of the family Rosaceae and the sub-family Pomoideae in the prefecture of Kastoria. The red apples are of the varieties Starking, Starkrimson, IDR Delicious, Red Chief and the yellow ones are of the varieties Golden Delicious, Jonagold and Granny Smith.
Milo Kastorias are very fleshy and juicy apples with a slightly tart sweet taste. The cultivation of the apple trees in this area started at the beginning of the 20th century in mountain villages where soil and weather conditions were suitable for their growing.
Harvesting begins at the end of September and they can be preserved until May or June of the following year. Milo Kastorias are mostly exported to the European Union, to countries such as Italy, Portugal, Germany and the Netherlands. They are mainly eaten raw but can be cooked in various ways.