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Maçã Bravo de Esmolfe | Local Apple Variety From Viseu District, Portugal | TasteAtlas

Maçã Bravo de Esmolfe

(Esmolfe apple)

This variety of apples is characterized by its long shelf life and intense, unique fragrance. They are grown and harvested in the districts of Coimbra, Viseu, Guarda, and Castelo Branco in Portugal. The trees of this varietal bear fruit only when they are three or four years old, but the unique qualities of the fruit make it worth the wait.

They have a white peel with some reddish spots dispersed throughout, and a soft, sweet, juicy flesh. These apples are usually eaten raw after a meal, but their intense fragrance can also be put to excellent use when dried to perfume small spaces, such as drawers or cabinets.