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Pipian | Traditional Sauce From Mexico | TasteAtlas


(Mole verde, Green Mole)

Pipian or mole verde or green mole is a spicy Mexican mole sauce with a unique, nutty flavor. Although the most famous version comes from Oaxaca as one of the seven moles of Oaxaca, where every household has their own version, green mole is prepared all over Mexico.

It's usually made with ingredients such as cumin, coriander, garlic, dried chiles, and ground squash or pumpkin seeds which are either dried or roasted. Lemon juice can be additionally added to the combination in order for pipian to develop a more liquid consistency.

The sauce is traditionally served over enchiladas or roasted chicken, while it is also commonly used as a flavorful rub for meat. Depending on the region, pipian can also be red or white, although the green one is the most traditional and popular variety.