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Koláče | Traditional Sweet Pastry From Czech Republic, Central Europe | TasteAtlas
Koláče | Traditional Sweet Pastry From Czech Republic, Central Europe | TasteAtlas
Koláče | Traditional Sweet Pastry From Czech Republic, Central Europe | TasteAtlas
Koláče | Traditional Sweet Pastry From Czech Republic, Central Europe | TasteAtlas


(Kolache, Kolach, Koláč, Kolace, Kolacky, Kalach, Kolaches)

Koláče or kolache (plural: kolaches) is a sweet pastry roll that is traditionally topped with plums or plum jam, cheese, or poppy seeds. Modern toppings might include fruit such as apricots, blueberries, cherries, lemon, pineapples, or raisins.

Its name is derived from the Czech word kola, meaning wheels, referring to the traditional, round shape of the pastry. The pastry originated in the 1700s in the Czech Republic, where round breads are some of the earliest ritual foods, usually symbolizing the sun and the moon.

With numerous Czech people immigrating to Texas in the early 1900s, koláče grew in popularity in the United States of America, and today there are numerous Czech-American koláče festivals throughout the country. Although many Czechs insist on preparing their own koláče at home, it has become a commercial product in America, sold in numerous bakeries, doughnut stores, and even in some restaurants.