Sayur lodeh is a traditional dish made with vegetables stewed in coconut milk. Eggplant, jackfruit, melinjo, long beans, and carrots are the most common vegetables used in the dish. However, sayur lodeh is so versatile that any vegetable can be utilized.
The spices can also be adjusted, but sayur lodeh should always be generously seasoned and spiced. The origin of sayur lodeh is the Indonesian island of Java, and it is traditionally served on slametan - Javanese feasts celebrating certain special occasions.
From Java, the dish has spread throughout Indonesia, and it can be found in numerous traditional Indonesian restaurants or at hawker centers. It is commonly eaten alongside rice and sliced lontong rice cakes. The most frequent accompaniments include salted fish, chicken or beef, and spicy serundeng - a dish made with fried coconut flakes.