"This loud and fun Portuguese restaurant serves delicious roasted suckling pig, Portuguese chorizo and grilled fresh sardines -- all with homemade fries."
on Chorizo
"This loud and fun Portuguese restaurant serves delicious roasted suckling pig, Portuguese chorizo and grilled fresh sardines -- all with homemade fries."
"The suckling pig was very tender and the skin was really crispy. Overall, it was a scrumptious meal. Definitely a place worth coming back."
"Eat at Restaurante Fernando, a Portuguese beachside joint serving oven-roasted suckling pig."
"The suckling pigs are the tenderest on Earth and the crackling is perfect, the waves crash on the beach nearby and after a while and a few more laughs, more beer is summoned."
"Deliciously roasted suckling pig, served under a bed of salad dressed in Portuguese olive oil, raw onions and lemon juice - one of the traditional dishes that existed both in Portuguese and Macanese culture."
"My personal favourite spot to pick one up is out on Hac Sa Beach near the barbecue stalls outside the infamous Fernando’s. They cook the pork chop freshly in front of you on the barbecue and you can eat at the stall or take to the beach to enjoy."
"It used to be a criminal offense to dine at Fernando’s and not order the chorizo with a jug of sangria. True story."
on Chorizo
"Sardines. Once a very controversial order, almost unheard of. But no more. Tasty."
"Roast suckling pig. Because suckling pig always – always – has to be ordered."