Calabaza is a round, pumpkin-like squash with variable sizes. It is primarily cultivated in the Caribbean and throughout Central and South America. Calabaza is characterized by its firm, bright orange flesh with a sweet flavor, similar to that of a butternut squash.
The seeds are also edible when toasted, known as pepitas. The squash is often used in cakes, stews, and candies, while the flowers, or flor de calabaza, are commonly used in quesadillas, empanadas, and pupusas as an ingredient.
Dominican food is a unique mixture of African, Spanish, and Taino Indian influences, without spiciness but with a lot of herbs and sauces. La bandera Dominicana (literally ... Read more
Chapea is a hearty Dominican stew made with beans, rice, and vegetables such as plantains, auyama squash (calabaza), onions, green peppers, carrots, and garlic. The stew ... Read more