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Sękacz | Traditional Cake From Poland, Central Europe | TasteAtlas
Sękacz | Traditional Cake From Poland, Central Europe | TasteAtlas
Sękacz | Traditional Cake From Poland, Central Europe | TasteAtlas
Sękacz | Traditional Cake From Poland, Central Europe | TasteAtlas
Sękacz | Traditional Cake From Poland, Central Europe | TasteAtlas


(Šakotis, Bankucha, банкуха)

Known as sękacz in Poland, šakotis in Lithuania, and bankucha in Belarus, this famous tree cake is a vital part of traditional Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian cuisine. Prepared with a thick batter which is repeatedly poured over a rotating horizontal spit, the cake is often slowly baked in the oven, or more traditionally–over an open fire.

During baking, the creamy egg batter slowly drips on the sides, creating a recognizable shape of this sweet treat. Although commonly regarded as the same cake, sękacz, šakotis and bankucha share some differences. The sękacz is usually described as the softer, more delicate version, while šakotis and bankucha tend to be denser and more decorative.

Regardless of its questionable origin, this popular dessert is a source of pride for all three countries, usually prepared and served on various special occasions.

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WHERE TO EAT The best Bankucha in the world (according to food experts)
