Al-Bakaya is an endangered palm tree known for its tall and imposing stature. The dates it produces are sweet, oval-rectangular, and display a mix of ripe and semi-ripe stages, with brown on the bottom and yellow on top. Only a small quantity of Al-Bakaya dates is collected to prevent damage, and typically, only one tree is planted per farm.
The harvesting season starts in early summer, with manual harvesting before sunrise to preserve tenderness and pulp abundance. Harvesters require extensive experience and professionalism. Al-Bakaya dates are closely tied to the culture of Medina, appreciated for their unique taste.
They are used in various dishes, including Al-Haysa Al-Madaniya, a famous dessert in Medina. The artisanal method of syrup extraction involves boiling dates in water, then straining the liquid. The tree's imposing height and delicate fruit texture have led to a decline in its cultivation, making it almost extinct.