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National food

Rau Câu Dừa 75

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Trường Sơn Street BB14, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam



Rau câu

Recommended by Sherry Ott and 2 other food critics.


"Make sure you look inside that coconut as you may find one of the best desserts in Vietnam - Rau Câu dừa. This refreshing dessert is simply coconut jelly and custard made with agar agar."
"A refreshing chilled treat for a warm day, this specialty can be found at a little street stall on Trường Sơn Street. Although the stall itself is not particularly noticeable, the giveaway will be the crowd of people clutching coconuts and spoons."
"A super-chilled, naturally sweetened, 'jellied' coconut milk treat, served inside its own coconut shell. Soooooo refreshing! Exactly what the doctor ordered."

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