"The tom saap seekong moo was great. The soup was sour and hot and the meat was nice and tender. Chili flakes and green onions floating on top – so flavorful!"
on Tom saep
"There’s no way to visit an Isaan restaurant without ordering a dish of som tam, green papaya salad. The version at Hai Som Tam Convent (ไฮส้มตำคอนแวนต์) was definitely good."
on Som tam
"Tom saep gradook moo which is a spicy isaan-style pork-rib soup. Great spot for this dish is Hai Som Tam at Convent road."
on Tom saep
"Be forewarned: these Isaan ladies make som tam like they mean it."
on Som tam
"It has more of a rustic, organic, home-made feel and appearance to it. I can actually taste the individual flavors of all the ingredients."
on Som tam
"Freshly grated papaya, dried shrimps, peanuts, tomato, chilli, green beans all in a yummy, ever so slightly sweet dressing."
on Som tam