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Gigot D'agneau Pleureur | Traditional Lamb Dish From France, Western Europe | TasteAtlas

Gigot d'agneau pleureur

(Weeping leg of lamb roast)

Translated to weeping leg of lamb roast, the main idea behind gigot d'agneau pleureur is that it is simply a roasted leg of lamb which is cooked in a special way. The meat is placed on a rack over a vessel containing potatoes and vegetables, so that every bit of the flavorful meat juice drips down onto the potatoes and vegetables as they cook, hence the weeping or crying in the name of the dish.

In the past, French village women would bake this dish in community ovens. While no accompaniments are needed, it is recommended to make a sauce from the delicious pan juices which should be combined with wine, stock, fresh herbs, and other aromatics.