"7 Delicious Bubur Ayam in Jakarta You Must Try: Bubur Ayam Cikini H.R. Sulaiman - This food stall is open in evenings and it right away gets flooded by those craving to enjoy the original Bubur Ayam from H.R. Sulaiman."
on Bubur ayam
"Gobble down a spoonful, and you will discover how rich and velvety its texture is."
on Bubur ayam
"The porridge is quite refreshing and abundant in toppings."
on Bubur ayam
"Bubur Ayam H. Sulaiman, known as thee Bubur Cikini, is one of the classic choices. Emping crackers and Cakwe just improve this porridge with a 30-year tradition."
on Bubur ayam
"Famous and delicious porridge gets even better with their Sate Ampel. Expect your Bubur Ayam with Emping crackers instead of the usual Keripik."
on Bubur ayam
"This original porridge from Cikini is already very famous for being very tasty. I heard some copy-cats started making Bubur with the same name, so be careful."
on Bubur ayam
"No wonder they have been around for 30 years: their Bubur is the perfect one. Add to that some shredded chicken and Emping crackers."
on Bubur ayam
"This Bubur Ayam steams with a wonderful ginger aroma that will instantly warm up your throat."
on Bubur ayam
"What makes this Bubur Ayam different than the rest is the use of their Emping crackers. Porridge itself is really juicy and delicious."
on Bubur ayam
"What makes this porridge so delicious is the slight taste of ginger."
on Bubur ayam