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Rizzati Cioccolato Ferrara

Ferrara, Italy

Rizzati Cioccolato Ferrara | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Rizzati Cioccolato Ferrara | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Rizzati Cioccolato Ferrara | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Rizzati Cioccolato Ferrara | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Rizzati Cioccolato Ferrara | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Piazza Trento - Trieste, 2, 44124 Ferrara FE, Italy +39 0532 204267

Famous for

Chocolate Cake, Ferrara

Torta Tenerina

Recommended by Sara Porro and 4 other food critics.
"This is a real cake, not one of those decadent and shamelessly chocolaty desserts going for the cake name. In a Linnaean taxonomy of cakes that I'm painstakingly and calorically composing, this belongs to the species cake, subspecies cake."
Sara Porro , Food and travel writer


"This is a real cake, not one of those decadent and shamelessly chocolaty desserts going for the cake name. In a Linnaean taxonomy of cakes that I'm painstakingly and calorically composing, this belongs to the species cake, subspecies cake."
"Among the "musts" with Rizzati brand is a traditional chocolate cake of Ferrara, the "Tenerina": the recipe is from the mother Anna, and it has won so many fans throughout Italy."
"Torta tenerina: pure temptation! 70% chocolate, eggs, sugar and aromas, gluten intolerant can also treat themselves to this irresistible pleasure."
"Known in Ferrara from the beginning of 1900, this irresistible chocolate cake is produced today with deep respect for the ancient recipe and Rizzati offers it to the top Ferrara restaurants."
"Bars of chocolate, candies, pralines, creams and the inevitable Torta Tenerina are real delights for the palate and blessing for the body because they are produced with ingredients free of preservatives coming from certified organic farms."

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