"The restaurant uses organic produce, and does not use MSG, food coloring or preservatives. Menu winners include curry with tofu, potatoes, shallots and peanuts or the yam tua ploo, spicy and sour wing bean salad."
on Thai Curry
"Curry with bamboo and imitation chicken is made completely from scratch for added depth of flavor. Spice levels are kept low, but it is incredibly tasty, and the tofu has the same consistency as tender chicken breast. Rice comes as neatly plated in three varieties: brown, black and blue."
on Thai Curry
"We first had this fantastic potato Mussaman curry at the hotel we were staying at in Bangkok. It's restaurant Na Aroon is vegetarian with many delicious, authentic Thai dishes on the menu created by chef David Lees."
on Thai Curry
"This wonderful place is the ideal destination for guests to enjoy the healthy and tasty meals with some outstanding vegetarian foods such as spicy curry with peppers."
on Thai Curry
"It’s mild, fragrant, and a little sweet, with grapes and chunks of pineapple."
on Thai Curry