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Viva Las Arepas

Las Vegas, United States of America

1616 S Las Vegas Blvd #120, Las Vegas, NV 89104, USA +1 702 366 9696

Famous for

Sandwich, Venezuela

Arepa reina pepiada

Recommended by Jim Begley and 4 other food critics.
"Viva Las Arepas owner and head chef Felix Arellano used to serve his arepas muy deliciosas from a stand in the Dino’s parking lot. Now that he’s moved up to air-conditioned luxury. Reina pepiada arepa, a food-stand holdover, Arellano’s take on chicken salad is so much better than your mom’s or my mom’s (don’t tell her)."
Jim Begley , Dining columnist at Las Vegas Weekly

Also serving

Sandwich type


Recommended by Terrisa Meeks and 2 other food critics.


Recommended by Terrisa Meeks and 2 other food critics.

Arepa de queso

Recommended by Grace Bascos


"This is my favorite place to eat in Las Vegas. It’s not on the Strip. It’s not a sit down restaurant. It’s nothing fancy or overly impressive from the outside. Viva Las Arepas is a simple, local Venezuelan eatery near downtown Las Vegas. The arepa cachapa is my favourite."
"A sweet corn patty stuffed with gooey cheese? Yes, please. Owner Felix Arellano should consider renaming his place Viva Las Cachapas."
"6 Spots to Indulge in Arepas or “The New Empanadas”: Viva Las Arepas - This Wynwood spot offers a variety of arepa options like chicken with cheese or tocineta with avocado. Anyone else feeling hungry?"
"Viva Las Arepas is the first Venezuelan restaurant in Vegas, and its authenticity is beyond reproach. Arepas are what most people come for. The most popular one is carne asada - pounded, marinated rib eye finished on hickory and charcoal, as are all meats here."
"If you're looking for inexpensive, delicious food, Viva Las Arepas is worth a stop. The original location is in Downtown Las Vegas, and it continues to gain fans with its flavor-packed arepas, Venezuelan-style sandwiches. You'll find cachapa there, along with a few other variations."
"If you're looking for inexpensive, delicious food, Viva Las Arepas is worth a stop. This family-owned restaurant serves Venezuelan food, and it's been a hit with diners for years. The original location is in Downtown Las Vegas, and it continues to gain fans with its flavor-packed arepas, Venezuelan-style sandwiches."
"Viva Las Arepas owner and head chef Felix Arellano used to serve his arepas muy deliciosas from a stand in the Dino’s parking lot. Now that he’s moved up to air-conditioned luxury. Reina pepiada arepa, a food-stand holdover, Arellano’s take on chicken salad is so much better than your mom’s or my mom’s (don’t tell her)."
"Viva Las Arepas is a great stop between the Strip and downtown Las Vegas, offering some of the best dirt-cheap eats in the entire Las Vegas area. I've tried most of the arepa fillings on offer, and they are all outstanding. If you made me pick just one, I think I'd go for Reina Pepiada, creamy chicken salad laced with avocado."
"Viva Las Arepas makes some of the finest wood-grilled meats anywhere. The Rubenesque street-cart style reina pepiada (curvy queen) arepa sees the chicken fully dressed in this green mayo. The resulting looks like chicken salad, but the smoky flavor of the chicken takes it to new heights."
"Felix comes over and says: “Here, I’ll make you one, stuffed with shredded chicken, so you can see what a real arepa tastes like.” It was delicious, especially splashed with some house-made hot sauce. Indeed, everything here is made from scratch. It’s a lot of work, but that’s what makes hands-on restaurants like these standouts."

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