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Sate Kere Kupat Sayur Mbah Mardi

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Jalan Godean K, 7.5, Area Sawah, Sidomoyo, Kec. Godean, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55264, Indonesia +62 878 3986 8883


Street Food

Sate kere

Recommended by Anis Hidayah and 1 other food critic.


"7 delicious Sate Kere Satay places in Yogyakarta: Sate Kere Kupat Sayur Mbah Mardi - This is one of the legendary satay eating places in Yogyakarta that exists since the 1980s. The satay kere here is quite unique, because it is combined with a spicy vegetable peel."
"Here, I had a chance to found out why this satay is called Poor Man's Satay. It's not only the meat on the stick, there is also at least a piece of lard in the form of meat. Vegetables in the form of tempeh are also delicious. The proof is that everything in front of Ane's eyes is completely sold out."

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