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Gudeg Bu Tjitro 1925

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Gudeg Bu Tjitro 1925 | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Jl. Janti 330, Banguntapan, 55281 Yogyakarta, Indonesia +62 274 564734


Street Food


Recommended by Jeny Kwok and 5 other food critics.


"Not too sweet, I love the krecek, and if you are spicy food lover, you can just crush the bird’s eye chili and eat it with the whole dish. It was delicious."
"You have to try the special Gudeg in the can by Mrs Tjitro, I guarantee you'll get hooked."
"With all the tasty fried Sambal, Tolo beans, Tempeh, duck eggs, and home-grown 'kampung' chicken, you're really going to enjoy their Gudeg."
"The 10 Most Phenomenal Gudegs in Jogja: Gudeg Bu Tjitro 1925 - Founded in 1925, Gudeg Bu Tjitro is one of the legends of Gudeg in Yogyakarta. Also, they are the first ones who started preparing this meal in a tin can."
"This visually interesting gudeg is made of warm krecek, chilli and as Ane said, soya. Besides being good on the eye, it also tastes good."
"You will love the hot dish under this name."

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