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Pastel de Chaves

This clam-shaped Portuguese delicacy is made with a puff pastry shell that is filled with a unique mixture of minced veal, bread, and onions. The tradition of preparing pastel de Chaves dates back to 1862, and according to a popular legend, the first person to sell these unique pastries was Teresa Feliz Barreira, the founder of Casa do Antigo Pasteleiro, the first establishment where pastel de Chaves could be bought.

The original recipe stayed in her possession for 75 years, until the 1940s, when other bakeries in Chaves started to manufacture and sell the same product. The Portuguese city of Chaves protected this famous pastry as their authentic product, which licensed them to be the only location where pastel de Chaves can be produced and sold.

According to municipal records, the town of Chaves produces more than 25,000 of these delectable pastries daily. In recent history, numerous other varieties have appeared, including the sweet versions, but only the original, savory version is allowed to carry the name pastel de Chaves.

WHERE TO EAT The best Pastel de Chaves in the world (according to food experts)


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