"Lima is littered with rotisserie chicken chains; this one is, hands down, the best. Go early for lunch as it fills up."
"Lima is littered with rotisserie chicken chains; this one is, hands down, the best. Go early for lunch as it fills up."
"Their pollo a la brasa is succulent and it comes with a spicy ají sauce that’s just perfect."
"Pardo's Chicken (in Miraflores, too) focuses in chicken rather than meats actually, offering one of the best "pollo a la brasa" (Peruvian Roasted Chicken) in Lima."
"The pollo a la brasa at Pardos Chicken in Lima: Smoky, salty and juicy to the bone."
"They serve Peruvian style rotisserie chicken and they serve it damn well."
"With the first bite of pollo a la brasa, a hush descended upon the whole table. You just can’t talk while you eat Pardos. There’s nothing left to say.”
"It’s tough to convey how juicy, tender, and flavorful the Pollo a la Brasa can be, mostly because it is a rare occurrence to have such wonderful chicken here at home. This will be one of the food highlights of your trip, I promise."
"Our favorite pollo a la brasa is found at Pardos Chicken."
"Our favourite spot is Pardo's Chicken, a chain with several locations around Lima."