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Koliva | Traditional Porridge From Ukraine, Eastern Europe | TasteAtlas


(Koljivo, Colivă, Κόλλυβα, Kollyva, Коливо, კოლიო, Žito, Kolyvo)

Koliva is a traditional dish consisting of a combination of any of the following ingredients: boiled wheat kernels, honey, sugar, sesame seeds, walnuts, raisins, anise, almonds, and pomegranate seeds. In the Orthodox Christian religion, it is used as a ritual dish that is prepared for funerals, memorials, Lent, Slava, or Christmas, since it symbolizes death and resurrection.

This unique porridge is traditionally served with powdered sugar on top, while it is customary to stick a candle in the center and light it at the beginning of the service, then extinguish it at the end.