Camarão da Costa Negra (Black Coast shrimp) is a shrimp cultivated in captivity. It is produced in the municipalities of Itarema, Acaraú, Cruz, and Jijoca de Jericoacoara. Camarão da Costa Negra is high in protein content and has a sweet flavor due to the geographical environment of the region and human factors involved in the cultivation.
The water used in the tanks comes from the River Acarau, which is rich in nutrients and, therefore, these shrimps have a similar flavor to that of crustaceans living in the sea. It is an all-natural product, free of antibiotics or any other chemicals.
The shrimps are obtained every three months from 32 farms, and the annual production reaches 9,000 tons. Almost all of the production (99%) is sold on the domestic market, in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Brasilia, while only 1% is exported.