Farofa is a common side dish in Brazil that no churrasco (barbecue) is complete without. It consists of toasted manioc flour dressed up with complementary ingredients such as onions, olives, nuts, crispy bacon pieces, dried jerky, or fresh herbs.
Popular since the time of Brazil's first settlers, it is typically sprinkled over savory dishes such as feijoada and xinxim. One popular variety from Bahia is made with bananas and onions. Farofa has such a legacy in Brazil that it even has its own shaker, called a farinheira, found on virtually every table in the country.
Churrasco is a Brazilian barbecue method where juicy pieces, slices, steaks, and chops of beef, veal, lamb, pork, and chicken are placed on big skewers and grilled over wood fire. It started in the early 1800s when the Gauchos (European immigrants that settled in the Rio Grade do Sul area) would get together and start a fire, adding large portions of meat on skewers and slowly grilling the meat.
In the restaurants, known as churrascarias, the skewers are paraded across the restaurant in a flashy manner, and the waiters circulate among the tables in order to show off the succulent meat to hungry diners. After the customers have chosen their preferred type of meat, it is sliced off the skewers to the dining plates.
Beijinhos, literally translated to little kisses, are popular Brazilian treats made from sweetened condensed milk, butter, and coconut. Rolled into tiny balls, topped with some more shredded coconut and a clove on top, beijinhos are traditionally served at children's birthday parties, but loved by young and old alike.
Beijinho is the coconut version of the popular Brazilian dessert brigadeiro, made with cocoa powder instead of coconut. The sweet treats can also be used as a filling for dried plums, in which case the dessert is called olho-de-sogra, literally translated to mother-in-law's eyes.
Salpicão is the Brazilian version of a chicken salad with numerous variations. Generally, it consists of a few key ingredients: cooked and shredded chicken, fruits, vegetables, and a binding agent, in this case – mayonnaise. The salad is traditionally topped with shoestring potatoes, while some cooks like to add dried fruits such as raisins and apricots to the mix.
Salpicão can be commonly found on numerous Brazilian buffet tables, where it is an omnipresent staple. It can be consumed as a salad, a cold side dish, or on sandwiches.