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Authentic Farofa Recipe Brazil, South America


We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though

Introduction & history

At its most basic, farofa is nothing more than manioc flour toasted in butter, and lots of it as the flour needs to be moistened but still have a crunch to it. However, some recipes will call for bacon fat and not butter, while in the Brazilian state Bahia, they use dendê oil, an orange palm fruit oil, instead. The list of additional ingredients that can be put in farofa is almost endless, from bacon, onion, and garlic, to plantains, raisins, olives, and eggs, either scrambled or hard-boiled ones. The seasoning is typically only salt, but pepper, parsley or coriander are also common. Farofa is served as a side dish, either to be sprinkled over a dish or to be eaten with a main dish like rice, and typically accompanies dishes like feijoada, barbecue, and hearty stews.

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Cooking tips

  • manioc flour

    Manioc flour is coarse and comes in two varieties — white and toasted — which both can be used to make farofa, the main difference being that using the toasted one will give your farofa a more intense flavor. If you're living outside of Brazil or areas with large Brazilian communities, sourcing manioc flour may be difficult, so your best bet is to look for it online.
  • method

    It is easy to make dry farofa, as manioc flour soaks up the butter very quickly. So, if you’d like to make one that is buttery and has a melt-in-your-mouth feel, add so many additional ingredients that they make up the majority of the dish.
  • serving

    Farofa should be served still warm or at room temperature and should be eaten with the main dish, though some hardcore farofa fans will eat it on its own.

Recipe variations

Basic Farofa

PREP 5min

COOK 10min

READY IN 15min


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This is the basic farofa recipe, meaning the only ingredients needed are manioc flour, butter, and salt.


4 Servings

Basic Farofa

3 tbsp unsalted butter

1 tsp salt

manioc flour



Basic Farofa

Step 1/2

First, melt butter, then whisk in the salt and start slowly adding manioc flour while constantly stirring until the mixture is dry and the grains have separated.

Step 2/2

Cook for another minute or two, then serve immediately.

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