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Tacacá do Norte

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Tacacá do Norte | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Tacacá do Norte | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Tacacá do Norte | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Tacacá do Norte | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Tacacá do Norte | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Tacacá do Norte | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Rua Barão do Flamengo 35R, Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22220-080, Brazil +55 21 2205-7545



Açaí na tigela

Recommended by Rough Guides and 6 other food critics.


Recommended by A Hearty Nomad and 3 other food critics.


"Easily the best açai in Rio, served with tapioca and granola."
"The taste is a bit tangy, probably because of the kind of pepper they use, however, the highlight of the dish is the tingling sensation the jambú leaves on your tongue and lips, it’s almost numbing. In short, I would describe it as icky but EXTREMELY DELICIOUS. A must try."
"A great representative of the original açai, Tacacá do Norte is a little piece of Pará state in the middle of Flamengo. The served açai is creamy, without sugar and has tapioca flour."
"10 out of 10 açai enthusiast would say Tatacá do Norte has the best açai in Rio. That's because they make sure that the traditional use of the fruit is preserved."
"Tacaca, an unusual soup made with traditional amazonian ingredients; Tucupi, a yellow toxic (when raw) liquid extracted from the manioc root, Jambu leaves, (known as the toothache plant for its slightly anaesthetic properties), shrimp and tapioca gum. The result? A sour version of Tom Yum Goong that makes your lips go numb. Definitely what you would call interesting."
"Tacacá is a strange soup which mixes gloopy manioc gum, large shrimps, a rich, tangy broth called tucupí and a leaf called jambu which has quite a strong anaesthetic effect. Within seconds of tasting the soup your tongue starts to tingle and your lips go numb. It's a strange, interesting sensation and one I'd recommend at least trying (though not everyone loves it)."
"Non-locals may find the signature dish on the menu–a tangy soup with an ingredient that numbs the mouth–a little intimidating, but it’s a magnificently unique experience if you’re brave enough to try it."
"In any case, I recommend trying the real açai, which in Rio you can find in Tacacá do Norte. Then you'll tell me if I'm wrong."
"At this tiny cafe, the açaí is creamy and cold, tapioca-topped, and just the right amount of sweet."
"At Tacacá do Norte the sweetness level was just right! The açaí at Tacacá do Norte had the best texture we experienced anywhere. It did not melt at all, and was smooth and creamy throughout."

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