"Must-Haves: Matzo ball soup - Intensely chicken-y broth with a single large, schmaltz-laden matzo ball."
"It’s a favorite stop of mine for a sandwich. It’s certainly leaner than other versions, less-salty, and comes out on not stacked quite so high as the old-fashioned delis."
"The matzo ball soup and whitefish spreads are fantastic."
"Head to Mile End in Manhattan for a spin on Jewish traditions and delicacies. Feast on duck-fat matzo-ball soup."
"Must-Haves: Matzo ball soup - Intensely chicken-y broth with a single large, schmaltz-laden matzo ball."
"The soup is plenty satisfying all on its own, but the zaftig matzo ball really gilds the lily."
"A superlative matzo-ball soup."
"Mile End Deli, with locations in Brooklyn and Manhattan, makes a mean matzo ball soup. The balls are very large, and the perfect density. They are juuuust chewy enough. The preparation is standard, with carrots, celery and onions, but the broth is rich and flavorful, just like your bubbe makes."
"The restaurant serves a wonderful brunch and a restorative matzo ball soup."