"In fact it was the appropriately goose-bump inducing mineral-rich succulence of the juicy magret de canard (duck breast) that sent me musing in some very murky layers of memory."
"Excellent foie gras that comes with an intriguing chutney of fruit and nuts or a green salad."
on Foie gras
"In fact it was the appropriately goose-bump inducing mineral-rich succulence of the juicy magret de canard (duck breast) that sent me musing in some very murky layers of memory."
"A perfect duck breast (as long as you like your juices to run red)."
"Our starter dish brought fabulous spiced foie gras scattered with poppy seeds on toasted bread, flanked by a chutney made with apples, raisins and almonds."
on Foie gras
"This is what comes next: a duck confit soft as a quilt (like a duvet, it goes without saying). Canard & Champagne, it's chic and nice, good and not too expensive. In short, go ahead."
"The duck confit is a beautiful piece, perfectly cooked, seared, the crispy skin and, thanks to a sauce (secret!)."
"On the menu: foie gras with insane Sichuan pepper, followed by orgasmic Rouge Label duck breast (or duck confit) with spectacular fries or soothing mashed pumpikn puree... at discretion."
"This is what comes next: duck breast cooked to perfection (for those who love it really rare). Canard & Champagne, it's chic and nice, good and not too expensive. In short, go ahead."
"The dish to try at all costs? Duck breast, they are to die for."