"In fact it was the appropriately goose-bump inducing mineral-rich succulence of the juicy magret de canard (duck breast) that sent me musing in some very murky layers of memory."
"A perfect duck breast (as long as you like your juices to run red)."
"This is what comes next: duck breast cooked to perfection (for those who love it really rare). Canard & Champagne, it's chic and nice, good and not too expensive. In short, go ahead."
"The dish to try at all costs? Duck breast, they are to die for."
"We have opted for the duck breast version, and discover with pleasure a brilliant and generous piece of the duck cut into five slices."
"Everything on the menu, starring juicy magret, is executed to perfection."
"The duck is marinated before being cooked at a low temperature of 53°C, then it was grilled at the last moment for the crispy skin. The perfect cooking, and very tender duck breasts."
"The menu here is simple and duck is in the spotlight. It is delicious and very affordable for an original restaurant in Paris Opera. Duck breast – the duck is the star on this menu. The duck is tender and tasty at the same time."
"The duck is organic and has the Red Label for quality. It comes from small breeders in the Vendée, Alsace and the South-West, where the birds are raised and fed outdoors. The meat is delicious and pleasantly fatty without being too heavy. The duck breast fillet, served pink with a crispy surface, is thin and firm. It comes with a red kuri squash purée, thick-cut house fries or seasonal vegetables."