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For most Americans, the Thanksgiving dinner usually includes seasonal dishes such as stuffed roasted turkey and side dishes such as mashed potatoes, a rich cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie, among others. This celebratory meal dates back to Novembe... READ MORE
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Bubble and squeak is a traditional dish consisting of potatoes and green vegetables. Originally, cabbage was used as the main vegetable, but modern cooks might use Brussels sprouts or any other kind of vegetables along with potatoes. The combinati... READ MORE
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One of the most popular meals in Belgium is a potato-based side dish known as stoemp. It consists of mashed potatoes enhanced by the addition of other vegetables such as carrots and leeks. They are boiled or fried, mixed, and then puréed wi... READ MORE
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Choux de bruxelles aux marrons is a traditional dish based on brussels sprouts and chestnuts. The dish is usually made with a combination of brussels sprouts, chestnuts, bacon, butter, chicken stock, salt, and black pepper. The chestnuts are blanc... READ MORE