Třeboňský kapr is a carp of the common carp species, reared in fish ponds in the Třeboň Basin, Třeboňsko Protected Landscape Area in the Czech Republic. The fish have a dark green, gray or gray-blue back and yellowish-white bellies.
Their bodies are characterized by a high back, and they grow to a size of up to one meter, with a weight of 20 kilograms. However, they are slaughtered when they are three or four years old when their weight ranges from 1,20 to 3,20 kilograms. The meat is of the highest quality and has quite a low content of fat.
The distinctive and delicate, light, buttery taste of the meat is typical of the carp fish due to the excellent, clean water where they are reared and the supplements consisting of cereals. When sold, the carp can be fresh and chilled, frozen, smoked or marinated.