"Don’t leave without a serving of mici (skinless grilled sausages) from Terasa Obor, arguably the best in Bucharest."
"Don’t leave without a serving of mici (skinless grilled sausages) from Terasa Obor, arguably the best in Bucharest."
on Mititei
"Ordinary people, politicians, writers, philosophers, tourists, drunks - everyone attends the Terrace for a small portion and (at least) a beer. The Mititei of Obor become national pride and are among the 10 best street food in the world. If you would ask any Buchurestian where the best Mititei in the city are eaten, they will answer-the ones at the Obor Terrace."
on Mititei
"Stop by Terasa Obor to try the legendary mici – best in the country they say."
on Mititei
"However, it is one of the best places in the city where you can eat Mititei and not only for the long tradition of preparing and serving these delicious dish, but also for the idyllic atmosphere and authenticity of the place."
on Mititei
"These ‘Mititei’ or ‘mici’ as called sometimes are grilled ground meat rolls made from a mixture of beef, lamb and pork meat spiced up with garlic, black pepper, thyme, coriander, anise, savory, and sometimes a touch of paprika. They are very flavorful and smell incredibly good while grilling. Usually served with mustard sauce and fries as side dish, these little yummies are the stars of Romanian street food and the main dish served on national days."
on Mititei
"The Mititei are good, when you close your eyes and imagine a mititei, that's what you see: a small tube of fried meat, flavored, with a bit of "well made" crust and with that fire smell."
on Mititei
"Great Mititei at the Obor Terrace: Mititei are excellent in taste, succulent, properly made on the outside and soft on the inside."
on Mititei
"Obor Terrace is where you’ll find Bucharest’s best mici. After a few walks around the market and shopping done, there is one ritual that almost nobody misses: having a portion of two sizzling mici, one soft bun, mustard and a glass of local tap beer at Obor Terrace."
on Mititei
"Terasa Obor not only serves the best and freshest mici in town, but it also serves an experience. Because of Terasa Obor’s location, right in the heart of the market, you know the mici will always be fresh! What to order: Four mici, mustard and two fresh bread buns. Pair it with a cold beer!"
on Mititei
User comments
"100% authentic atmosphere, boozy locals, always fresh fresh food and cold beer. Really the best mici you can eat, the locale just makes it more interesting"
"Authentic, the best, the cheapest"
"I liked it because the meat is very juicy and strongly flavoured."
"The taste of mici or mititei (skinless sausages) is rich and extremely meaty. Best to be served alongside a mustard (Mustar de Tecuci) dip and a bun, your taste buds will say "Well done buddy" once again. No pun intended"
"They have their own meat and spice blend that makes the mici great. I'm sure there are even better mici in Bucharest and in Romania, but I have yet to find them."