"Luca: I've had pretzels before, but those are awesome!"
"Luca: I've had pretzels before, but those are awesome!"
on Covrigi
"For quick on the go treats let me suggest the traditional Romanian ‘pretzel’, the covrig. Check out Simigeria Luca for your fill of seeded, salty street food on the go."
on Covrigi
"For a quick snack, don’t forget to stop at the Simigeria Luca, a traditional pastry shop which makes epic pretzels."
on Covrigi
"Instead, we really liked the bakery products, in particular those of the famous Simigeria Luca, where, as I said before, we bought our lunch before going to the park. The Simigeria is a good, practical, fast and particularly economic solution: the covrigi Luca and the traditional Luca cost only 3 and 2.5 lei or less than one euro!"
on Covrigi
"First there is the Simigerie Luca, a small, but developing chain of covrigi-selling places where one finds the usual, ‘plain’ covrigi, as well as fancier ones: apple or chocolate-filled little covrigi, the locally branded ‘Covri Luca’ (hot dogs wrapped in covrig dough, then baked) or ‘Covri tradițional’ (ham and mozzarella rolls wrapped in covrig dough, then baked)... While not traditional at all, these additions provide a funny addition and they show the interest locals still have for the covrigi.... Read more
on Covrigi
User comments
"Great variety of covrigi, best in town."