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Soproni Mandulás Rétes | Traditional Sweet Pastry From Sopron District, Hungary | TasteAtlas

Soproni mandulás rétes

(Almond strudel Sopron-style)

Soproni mandulás rétes is a variety of a traditional Hungarian strudel that is considered a specialty of Sopron cuisine.

It typically consists of a thin pastry dough that's been filled with a fruit preserve or jam and almond cream (similar to frangipane) before it's baked until nicely colored and crispy. According to the traditional recipe from Cuisine of Hungary, a cookbook written by the famous restaurateur and cookbook writer George Lang, this sweet delicacy is made with strudel dough, melted lard or butter, raspberry or strawberry jam, ground almonds, sugar, and eggs.

Once baked, the strudel is usually enjoyed while it's still warm, and it's traditionally dusted with powdered sugar. There's a similar strudel variety mentioned in another traditional Hungarian cookbook called A magyarok asztalánál, but this version calls for accompanying the dessert with a rum crème anglaise.