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Nasi Liwet Bu Rabiyem

Surakarta, Indonesia

Jl. Yos Sudarso No.378, Serengan, 57155 Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia


Rice Dish

Nasi liwet

Recommended by Yuni Astutik and 1 other food critic.


"Sego liwet Mrs. Rabiyem is famous for its delicious taste. The taste is near perfect with the addition of eggs, chicken, vegetables, and liver. Cooked by a reliable chef with a concoction that produces a delicious outcome, Bu Rabiyem's is an idol among the many nasi liwet available."
"Sego Liwet Bu Rabiyem is one of the most popular locations for eating this deliciously delicious rice. The portions can be adjusted. Coupled with a large number of side dishes like eggs, liver, chicken, vegetables and others."

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