"Yu Sani nasi liwet is popular because it is famous for its delicious and super savory flavors. Savory taste comes from rice, pumpkin vegetables, areh, and chicken meat. How not to be tasty when Yu Sani spends 50 coconuts per day!"
on Nasi liwet
"The meat is tender and suitable to be eaten with the nasi liwet. In essence, coconut milk with rice has never been this good for me!"
on Nasi liwet
"The distinction of Yu Sani's nasi liwet is its superdelicious taste: rice, vegetables and chicken. Savory but not nauseating. The savoriness is due to the abundant use of coconut milk."
on Nasi liwet
"Delicious nasi liwet in Solo suitable for breakfast? Nasi Liwet Yu Sani."
on Nasi liwet
"This is one of nasi liwet locations that is crowded with visitors even though it is open late at night. It is a favorite and attracts many visitors because it is satisfying in terms of taste, portion, and price."
on Nasi liwet
"The first spoon has a savory taste, the egg and vegetables are fluffier and tender, accompanied by soft shredded chicken. Best price and best culinary experience."
on Nasi liwet
"Similar to nasi uduk, this typical Solo dish is prepared with coconut milk. No wonder the taste is delicious. Well, the most famous liwet rice in Solo belongs to Yu Nani and it's only open at night. Although simple, the dish is tasty, especially coupled with side dishes."
on Nasi liwet