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Lenticchia di Castelluccio di Norcia | Local Green Lentils From Province of Perugia, Italy | TasteAtlas

Lenticchia di Castelluccio di Norcia

Named after the village of Castelluccio - the highest settlement of the Apennines nestled next to the Monti Sibillini National Park and just above the fertile Piano Grande Plateau - Lenticchia di Castelluccio di Norcia refers to the lentil beans grown within the neighboring provinces of Perugia and Macerata. Tiny in size, this variety of pulses is characterized by its color ranging from veined green to light chestnut.

Being particularly tender, Castelluccio lentils are prized for their short time of cooking prior to which they don't have to be soaked. These earthy flavored pulses are used in many different kinds of soup and stews but the two most famous Italian delicacies that can't possibly go without Castelluccio lentils are pork Cotechino and Zampone di Modena, traditionally enjoyed around Christmastime.