"The taqueria is ground zero for some of the best Mexican fast food in town, including carne asada fries."
"DO NOT leave San Diego without trying out some carne asada fries. Our absolute favorite was a little hole in the wall spot, called La Playa Taco Shop. We still dream of this place when we are back home!"
"La Playa offers tasty carne asada fries."
"La Playa Taco Shop is a no-frills Mexican eatery that does one of the best must-have dish when you’re in San Diego — Carne Asada Fries! It’s crispy, drenched (in sauces), savoury (cheese!), tangy (from the sour cream and tomatoes), delicious, all in one. Swing by in the evening and devour your Carne Asada Fries by the Pacific Beach sunset."