This flightless South American species of bird is the largest bird on the continent, and it is found in the savannahs, grasslands, forests, and mountains of its native habitat in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia. Greater rhea’s (Rhea americana) ovular body is covered by brownish-gray plumage, and males are known to be significantly taller than females.
An integral part of the indigenous and Creole people’s food culture, this wild bird has long been hunted for its meat, eggs, fat, feathers, and skin. These birds are nowadays also farmed for their by-products which are marketed on a smaller scale in Argentina.
Other common ways to enjoy greater rhea’s eggs include baking a huge batch of eggs in an underground oven or stuffing an animal’s bladder with a mixture of greater rhea’s eggs, fat, and salt before the combination is cooked over embers.