"Milwaukee's oldest custard stand (since 1938) makes a velvet-smooth product that is great as plain vanilla but can scale the heights when made into a bananarama or lalapalooza sundae."
"The 10 Best Custard Stands in Milwaukee: Gilles Frozen Custard - You can get the usual flavors of the day, but if you want something different, you can ask for one of Those Things. It’ll make you feel like one of the cool kids."
"Custard is king, of course, but we also love "Those Things," which are exclusive Gilles treats made with vanilla custard on top of a homemade peanut cookie and then dipped in chocolate. Yea, baby. Good stuff."
"Top 5 Frozen Custard Stands In Wisconsin: Gilles Frozen Custard - Gilles is known as perhaps the oldest frozen custard restaurant in America, dating back to 1938. Those wishing to eat some of this custard once they leave the area can pick up a pint at grocery store locations throughout the Midwest."