100 Best Dishes
in the World
Based on 367,847 valid ratings for 11,258 dishes in our database, these are the 100 best dishes in the world.
100 Best Cuisines
in the World
Based on 477,287 valid ratings for 15,478 foods in our database, these cuisines have earned the highest average scores.
100 Best Food Cities
in the World
From 17,073 cities in our database, based on 477,287 valid food ratings for 15,478 foods in our database, these 100 cities stand out with the highest average ratings for the regional and national dishes most commonly served there.
100 Best Food Regions
in the World
Based on 477,287 valid ratings for 15,478 foods in our database, these regions have earned the highest average scores.
100 Best Foods by Category
Out of 15,478 cataloged foods, based on 477,287 valid ratings, these foods have achieved the highest average ratings in their respective categories.
100 Most Legendary
Among 23,952 traditional eateries in our database, these stand out as cultural landmarks. Renowned for their longevity, reliability, and iconic dishes, they are more than just dining spots—they embody the spirit of their cities. The ranking reflects their history, public ratings, and TasteAtlas scores for their signature dishes.
Most Legendary
Dessert Places