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at Aux Lyonnais

Paris, France

Soufflé In Aux Lyonnais | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
32 Rue Saint Marc, 75002 Paris, France +33 1 42 966 504


"For Mary there was a perfect soufflé williamine with pear sorbet nested in the middle."
"If the previous dessert did not fulfill me, this was the perfect one. The classic and difficult souffle very well accomplished, with a delicate chestnut taste working well with the sorbet and the flavor of the pear. Already miss it."
"The dessert got points for beauty as well as taste. It was a soufflé soaked with vanilla ice cream. The well-build classical soufflé was baked together with nuts and strawberry on the sides. The depth and tenderness of the interior and the crispness of the sides were a total fitting match. The light aroma of the ice cream mingled well with the soufflé without overpowering it."

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