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Offal Dish

Foie de veau à la Lyonnaise

at Aux Lyonnais

Paris, France

Foie de Veau à la Lyonnaise In Aux Lyonnais | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
32 Rue Saint Marc, 75002 Paris, France +33 1 42 966 504


"A veal liver served rosé (as I was asked to specify), the skin resists a little under the knife to reveal a hearty melting ... and these potatoes cut into fries, crisp envelope, melting interior... Delicious..."
"Same happiness is with the nicely sliced, very thick veal liver, served slightly pink (or more cooked according to your taste... but it's not the best!), raised with a nice persillade and accompanied by good fries."
"As for its veal liver with parsley covered with a slice of bacon (below), it leaves you confit of bliss."

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