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Asinan | Traditional Side Dish From Indonesia, Southeast Asia | TasteAtlas
Asinan | Traditional Side Dish From Indonesia, Southeast Asia | TasteAtlas
Asinan | Traditional Side Dish From Indonesia, Southeast Asia | TasteAtlas
Asinan | Traditional Side Dish From Indonesia, Southeast Asia | TasteAtlas


The name asinan refers to traditional Indonesian salads made with pickled fruit or vegetables. It is believed that the fruit variety originates from Jakarta and the vegetable variety from the city of Bogor. The dish was developed under numerous cultural influences, and it is a true representative of Indonesian multicultural heritage.

Asinan is a typical street dish in Indonesia, and it is usually sold by street vendors or at local eateries. However, it is also a common dish in many traditional Indonesian restaurants. Although asinan can be made with any fruits or vegetables, cabbage and cucumbers are the most common ingredients.

Both vegetable asinan and fruit asinan are usually served with sweet, sour, and spicy peanut sauce, and they are typically topped with rice crackers or noodles.

WHERE TO EAT The best Asinan in the world (according to food experts)
