"Best cure for what ails you: You could easily drive right past Al Toke Pez which is a closet-sized establishment on a busy street in Lima. Sandwiched between auto part stores, this six stool eatery dishes up amazing leche de tigre with sliced onions."
"The best seafood of the trip, though, was at Al Toke Pez, a hole in the wall that Pam introduced me to. A small leche de tigre for 4 soles was a perfect aperitif — fishy and almost too tangy."
"Our recommendation: a leche de tigre served in a glass with a little spice and fried fish."
"A generous helping of tart and spicy ceviche marinade—colloquially known as leche de tigre, or tiger’s milk—brimming with pieces of sashimi-quality fish, thinly-sliced red onion, aji amarillo, giant Peruvian corn cooked both tender and toasted for crunch, all topped with just-fried, breaded squid and fresh cilantro. Worlds better than every other take on ceviche we tasted in Peru."