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Cireng Cipaganti

Bandung, Indonesia

Cireng Cipaganti | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Cireng Cipaganti | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Cireng Cipaganti | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Cireng Cipaganti | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Jl. Lamping 17, Pasteur, Sukajadi, Bandung, 40161 West Java, Indonesia +62 813 2168 1717


Street Food


Recommended by Dunia Kuliner Bandung and 10 other food critics.


"I went with the original variant and the cheese-flavoured Cireng. The latter was truly magical, with the aromatic cheese perfectly complementing the savoury and chewy Cireng. It was definitely more delicious than the ones that I’ve tasted in Jakarta."
"This is for sure the favorite Cireng among the Bandung locals. I guess they don't sell Cireng at Mars, so, as far as I know, this is the most delicious Cireng in the world."
"Cireng Cipaganti is famous for the fine peanut sauce. It just melts in the mouth. Nyumm... Delicious! The surface of Cireng is dry and crispy, but once you bite it, it gets really chewy."
"Their Cireng is super crunchy, especially while it's still hot. And of course the peanut filling is truly delicious. Perfect blend of sweet and spicy flavors."
"One of the snacks that you cannot miss if visiting Bandung is the famous Cireng Cipaganti. Unlike the usual Cireng, this one comes with a tasty peanut paste inside."
"I liked their Cireng with cheese too, but the one with peanuts filling is the real thing. For me, this is something you simply have to try."
"This roadside snack peddled in a simple cart is just phenomenal. For sure the Bandung's most favorite Cireng."
"Taste the legendary Cireng. The taste in here has never let us down."
"This unique Cireng is previously fried and then stuffed with peanuts. Crunchy, sweet, and spicy will become one in your mouth."
"This is the best of the best. A simple Cireng, but for me also the most delicious. Yes, of course, I'm talking about Cireng Cipaganti!"

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