"The specialty from award-winning pizzaiolo Jeff "Smoke" Smokevitch is the addictive Detroit-style pies which transform often-trashed crust into the cheesy, caramelized highlight of your pizza-eating experience."
"Authenticity is important to Blue Pan, which is why they strictly adhere to Detroit-style standards: each pie is twice baked in a deck oven at a really high temperature in well seasoned blue steel pans and the sauce often goes on top of the cheese as an afterthought."
"Baked in a pan for a deep crust, with sauce ladled over, not under, the cheese, and addictively crisp edges thanks to a blend of caramelized cheeses (including the oh-so-authentic brick), the result will make you question why New York-style pizza ever became the American default."
"Unlike the pizza we’re all used to, the crust is much lighter—more like a pastry crust—and the sides of the pizza, where they come in contact with the sides of the pan, become a bit crusty, which adds an interesting mouthfeel to just about every bite."